

It’s common for mortgage lenders to require homeowners insurance, and many homeowners conveniently integrate their insurance payments into their mortgage using an escrow account. Annually, a significant amount is spent on safeguarding homes. However, many homeowners may not be familiar with every detail of their policy. It’s a common misconception to assume that insurance will cover all roofing damages or the replacement of an aged roof.

That’s where Candor Roofing steps in to provide above-bar service. We will help you navigate the intricacies of your roof damage insurance claim, because we specialize in working directly with insurance companies. Our first steps are to provide roof inspections to uncover every detail, making sure nothing is left out. Calamities such as fires, damage from falling trees, impacts from strong winds and hail during violent storms, and unexpected incidents involving airborne or plummeting objects—we want to make sure your claim is comprehensive of all damage that occurred so you can receive the best compensation possible.

Schedule a Free Assessment Today


Candor Roofing provides trustworthy and detailed inspections of roofs and gutters in College Station and its neighboring regions. A skilled roofing technician from our team will first ascend onto your roof to conduct a comprehensive visual inspection. This includes examining your roof for any signs of cracks, leaks, damage, or missing shingles. We’ll also check for issues with the flashing or vent boots, the presence of moss or fungal growth, and any signs of pest infestation. For homes equipped with skylights or chimneys, we’ll ensure all seals, grouting, and masonry remain intact. Our evaluation also encompasses a thorough check of gutters, downspouts, and the associated fascia and soffits.


After a meticulous examination of the exterior, we will perform a thorough assessment in the attic. This involves checking for any signs of pests, any decay or fungal accumulation on the wooden beams, and identifying any water marks on the walls. Our experts will confirm that no light seeps through the ceiling, and will also ensure the floor of the attic is in sturdy and dry condition. Upon completion of our inspection, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive written evaluation of the condition of your roof, with an honest cost assessment, working directly with your insurance company to fund repairs.

When you need help making an insurance claim for roof damage, the professionals at Candor Roofing stand by you all the way. Reach out today for your free inspection!